Peabodyverse Encyclopedia
King Arthur
King arthur
Season 1, Episode 5
Vital statistics
Air date Unknown
Written by Unknown
Directed by Unknown
Episode guide
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Wyatt Earp Franz Shubert

 King Arthur is the 4th Mr. Peabody and Sherman episode.


Everything is out of hand in King Arthurs kingdom, a dragon is terroizing the kingdom and all the knights are too weak and pathetic to fight the dragon and Mr. Peabody decides to use a new strategy. He uses Sherman's bubble gum.


  • The bubble gum could have burned in the dragons mouth.
  • Double Bubble Gum is an actual brand of bubble gum. You can find it at your local Safeway, Giant, or Food Lion.
  • Why didn't the dragons defeat rip a hole in the space-time continum?

Peabody Arthur Fairy Tales Beast
